List of the Oldest Houses in the Freelandville area. (unofficial)

Current total houses & business structures: 281.  Last Modified: 2018-06-30 19:32:42  This list is maintained by Freelandville resident Tom Held.

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Year Description Location Comments Map Photo
1820House has been demolished11441 SR 58 WestAfter the last owner off this historic home passed away, the house was demolishedMapPhoto
1838Doris Brocksmith14245 Northview Rd.Map
1844the old Robbins / Wiseman house11362 West SR 58MapPhoto
1850Bruce 'Chew' Pepmeier10532 East Pepmeier RoadMap
1852 late Warren 'Bucky' Robbins and Lucille10698 North Albrecht RoadMap
1855The old Strange home12 Henry St.Considered to be the oldest house inside the Freelandville city limitsMapPhoto(1)
1857Robert Dick11875 East Dick RoadMapPhoto
1860former Christian Baker house8 North Indiana St.Considered to be 'one of the first' houses inside the Freelandville city limits. Owned by early Freelandville businessman, Christian Baker, who started the Bierhaus & Baker store at 'the crossroads' in 1853. Map
1860Former resident unknown104 North IndianaThis house has been razed. Currently a vacant lot.Map
1860late Bess Richardson7 Tongue StreetThe house has been demolishedMap
1860late Fred Krueger home104 Wood StreetYes....'Freddy Krueger' lived in Freelandville !Map
1860late Roy 'Shorty' Land11402 SR West 58MapPhoto
1860late Wayne and Vera Dunkerly14200 North Dunkerly RoadThe house has been demolishedMapPhoto
1860LaVerne Tilly11618 East Tilly RoadMap
1860the late John McMillin308 North 1st StreetMap
1861 late Bertha and Paul 'Sheepy-Ba' Schlussler farm304 E. SR 58 (razed)This Schluessler home was razed a few years ago. The large pond at the back of the property (see map) was used to 'chop' blocks of ice out of, to be used for refrigeration at their Schluessler Meat Market, before there was electricity in Freelandville. It was also a favorite 'fishing and swimming hole' for the eastside neighborhood kids in the 1950's and 60's. MapPhoto
1861late Henry Winter12704 North Buckthal Rd.MapPhoto
1861Nancy & the late Earl Wayne 'E-Dub' Kixmiller6 North IndianaMap
1864Roger Johanningsmeier12115 North Freelandville RoadThis old story brick farmhouse, was built by William and Johanna Niewald several years after immigrating from Germany in the late 1840's.MapPhoto
1865Gib Vance family22 South. State Road 159MapPhoto
1865late John Ritterskamp house204 State Hwy East 58Located on the corner of SR 58 East and Pond Street. Originally built in 1865 by prominent Freelandville resident John Ritterskamp. Ritterskamp, along with Dr. John T. Freeland, were instrumental in the surveying of Freelandville in the late 1860's. Also known by many in the community as the old Shep Schaefer place.MapPhoto
1868Jeanine (McMillin) Stewart9573 East Pepmeier RoadMap
1868late Ernie Bubenzer11772 West SR 58MapPhoto
1870(Past or present resident unknown)109 Tongue StreetMap
1870Charles Linneweber508 SR 58 EastMapPhoto
1870former Ray West116 Pond St.MapPhoto(1)
1870late Tharan Hankins house101 State Highway 159MapPhoto
1870Liz Telligman11805 State Highway 58 WestMapPhoto
1870Martha Grabbe510 East State Hwy 58MapPhoto
1871old Rinsch house302 SR 159MapPhoto
1872 late Herbert Kixmiller, Sr. and Barbara318 West 1st Street Map
1874late Sam Kirchoff family home7 Freeland StreetMap
1877David & Nancy Rinsch home301 SR 159MapPhoto
1878Bill & Jean Schroeder13917 Northview RoadMap
1880Bob Core301 North Indiana StreetMap
1880former Milligan family105 East State Hwy. 58MapPhoto
1880Janet Tilly11495 East Tilly RoadMap
1880Jarrett Ford104 Pond StreetMap
1880Joe Robison home211 East SR 58Prominent Freelandville businessman, Ernie Wagner, lived here at one time in the 1960's.MapPhoto
1880John 'JB' Brocksmith11575 East Transformer RoadMap
1880late Earl T. Schroeder home501 North Indiana StreetMap
1880late Ted Koenig home206 State Hwy 159ISO of the current residentMapPhoto
1880Max Volle13627 SR 58 WestMapPhoto
1880old Kixmiller place11110 E. Lower Freelandville RoadMapPhoto(1)
1880unknown305 SR 159This is currently a vacant lot. At one time, many years ago, there was an old brick house that set on the hill at this location. Gone, but not forgotten.MapPhoto
1880W.R. Kixmiller Dry Goods / Red & White grocery1 East SR 58Although there are no official records, it is estimated these storefronts(photo) were constructed approx. 1880. The two west-end storefronts were remodeled in 1895, when Simon Kixmiller purchased the business from his father-in-law, John Ritterskamp. In 1955, the large storefront to the east was opened as Kixmiller's Red & White grocery. The businesses closed their doors for the final time in May 1997, after 151 years of continuous business at the same location.MapPhoto
1881Steve & Connie Wildridge203 Freeland StreetMapPhoto(1)
1882Bethel Church Pastor's Study and office.13682 St. Hwy. 58 eastAlthough this house has recently been used as the church office, it was for many years the Bethel Church Custodian’s home. MapPhoto
1882Charlie and Janet Organ Buescher14907 St. Hwy. 58 eastMap
1885Wilma & late Bob Strange home408 East State Hwy 58MapPhoto
1886Wilma & Fred 'Ferd' Robbins9344 East Pepmeier RoadMap
1890????301 North Freeland St.ISO name of past or present occupantMap
1890Bernard 'Casey' Sager11794 N. Buckthal RoadMap
1890Dorthy Sams former home102 N. Indiana St. This house was razed a few years ago. Currently a vacant lot.Map
1890former Martin Gonzalez103 West State Road 58MapPhoto
1890former W.R. Kixmiller home310 East State Road 58 The late W.R. 'Rhiney' Kixmiller's home was located on this empty lot. It burned several years ago.MapPhoto
1890Freelandville Milling Co.1 Mill LaneOriginal 1880 structure burned in 1890MapPhoto
1890Jared and Mindy Saucerman118 Pond StreetMap
1890late Art & Freida Moreland102 SR 159 southMapPhoto
1893late Bill Posey202 1st StreetMap
1895former Vic Linneweber7 Julius StreetMap
1896former Pharris family303 SR 159MapPhoto
1897Sandy S. Jones305 North Indiana StreetHinkle and Ruby Walker's niece lives here.MapPhoto(1)
1897Tyler and Arielle Harris7 Baker St.Map
1898late Ray 'Rabb' Robbins 5 Henry St. 'Rabb' Robbins had a small slaughterhouse shed behind this house at 5 Henry Street. It is pictured at the 'photo' tab.MapPhoto(1)
1898Ray 'Sawdust' West312 McDowell St.Map
1899John and Kelli Streeter29 St. Hwy 159MapPhoto
1899late Oscar 'Hog' Groteguth15 East Jim SreetMap
1899late William Held 102 Chambers St.Map
1899Michael & Patti Moore203 South St. Hwy. 159MapPhoto
1900(Past or present resident unknown)106 Tongue St.MapPhoto
1900Billy and Bobbi Wiscaver11 East Jim StreetMap
1900Borgmeier Home10 Happy StreetHouse is currently vacantMap
1900Glen 'Flintstone' Thompson210 Henry StreetMap
1900Herbert 'Sonny' Kixmiller, Jr.509 East State Hwy 58MapPhoto
1900Ken 'Clippy' and Diane Carrico5 Chambers StreetMap
1900late Geo. Jones family home5 Oak StreetMap
1900late Gladys Brocksmith home108 N. State Road 159MapPhoto
1900late Ned Held's home103 Freeland St.Map
1900late Russell 'Dutch' Koenig101 West State Road 58MapPhoto
1900occupant unknown103 Wood StreetPhoto
1900Sharon and the late Charles 'Chod' Jones106 State Road 159MapPhoto
1900the late Dick & Marge Finke12084 SR 58 WestMapPhoto
1900Vaughn and Bobbie Hislip5 Schroeder street
1902former Bill 'Grumpy' and Brenda Robbins home8 Tongue StreetMap
1902former Susan Toney Davis home102 Tongue St.Map
1902Robert 'Bob' Diekman10199 N. Diekman RoadUnable to find a Google map for this address. Sorry.
1903Ed Hagemeier201 North IndianaMap
1904Clara Telligman 16 Happy StreetClara Telligman passed in 1963
1905David BeDell309 N. Indiana Ave.Map
1905Dutchman Cafe2 South St. Hwy. 159Originally built approx. 1905, this was first used as Wolfe's cafe. In those early years, this usually meant 'saloon' ! When owner, John Wolfe, was elected KC Sheriff in 1914, he though it was best, that he should sell his saloon. In the years to come, it was Berry's Drugstore(1920-1955), Ernie Wagner's Cafe(1955-1960), Moreland's Dutch Cafe(Mid 60's - 80's) and the Novelist Cafe in the 90's. It currently sets vacant.MapPhoto
1905former Strate & Pielemeier Strate Funeral Home103 State Road 159Constructed in 1905 by G.F.Osterhage, as a private residence. Osterhage moved to Vincennes in the early 1920's to pursue his soon to be, nine Osterhage Lumber Co. locations. Eventually, this became Strate & Pielemeier Funeral Home. The exact year is not clear, but the late Susan (Strate) Cook recalled her father(Pete Strate) moving the family in here about 1937. Many years later, Gordon Utt of Oaktown purchased the business. Today, the home is once again a private residence. MapPhoto
1905former Wayne Hooper home12012 East Lower Freelandville RoadMap
1905late Ike & Joey Held home12 Julius StMapPhoto(1)
1905Mary and the late Rex Walters former home108 N. IndianaThis is where Rex and Mary lived when they were first married in 1966Map
1905Owner Inknown108 Indiana Street
1905Owner Unknown108
1905Roger and Kris Holt27 Happy StreetMap
1910(resident unknown)303 East SR 58need name of current residentMapPhoto
1910Brian and Jordan Jones15 Henry StreetMap
1910former Bill 'Grumpy' & Brenda Robbins home203 State Hwy. West 58MapPhoto
1910former Methodist Church parsonage203 St. Hwy. East 58MapPhoto
1910Gordon Clinkenbeard201 West State Hwy.
1910Howard and Penny Helderman5 Happy StreetMap
1910late Hubert Hollingsworth210 East SR 58MapPhoto
1910late Lonnie Jones3 North Pond StreetMapPhoto(1)
1910late Oscar & Lydia Berger9 Henry Street.This is where Oscar and Lydia Berger retired to, when they moved to townMap
1910late Paul Bluhm's house308 North Freeland (razed)The late Paul 'Prossey' Bluhm's house used to be located on this now, empty lot. Bluhm loved to walk across the street and watch Freelandville Little League baseball games, almost as much as he loved his St. Louis Cardinals !!Map
1910late Walter & Gladys Ritterskamp101 East State Road 58MapPhoto
1910Lee Marmaduke9047 East Freelandville RoadMapPhoto
1910Max & Sara Kixmiller206 Henry StreetMap
1910Owner Unknown3 Pond Street
1910Rod and Sharon Perry15 Happy StreetMap
1910Samantha Cutsinger19 Happy StreetMap
1911Susan Toney Davis / (apartment)1 Carlisle St.This structure was, for many years, Strate & Pielemeier Hardware. In the 70's / 80's it was base of operations for Darwin Emmel's Carpentry. Ray 'Sawdust' West had his Freelandville Cabinet Shop here for several years. Ray converted the second floor to living space. Most recently, Susan Toney Davis purchased the building and lives on the second floor.MapPhoto
1912current occupant unknown307 IndianaISO current occupant. If you know PM me.Map
1912late Alvin Schuckman house14479 North Lime Crusher RoadMapPhoto(3)
1912late Fred & Hilda Horst11384 State Road 159MapPhoto
1913Carl Johanningsmeier12064 North Freelandville RoadMapPhoto
1913late Dr. B.G. Odell former office6 west State Road 58MapPhoto
1913Mike and Kathy Harden13 Happy StreetMap
1915(current resident unknown)203 North IndianaNeed name of current residentMap
1915former Helen Harbin home208 East SR 58Need name of current residentMapPhoto
1915Jerry Williams209 East SR 58MapPhoto
1915late Alice Grabbe home114 North Indiana Map
1915late Fritz and Neva Hagemeier former home7 Happy StMapPhoto(1)
1915late Phillip Rinsch303 North Freeland (razed)Currently a vacant lotMap
1916Courtney Durham8 Happy StreetFormer home of noted Freelandville resident the late Mary Pielemeier who passed in 1979
1918owned by Paul Schuckman13933 North Lime Crusher RoadMap
1920 Joan Richter12208 State Road 159MapPhoto
1920(resident unknown)101 North FreelandNeed the name of the current residentMap
1920former H&H Building Supply / Marilyn's Beauty Shop13795 Northview RoadMap
1920former Joe & the late Sharon Nichols507 East State Hwy 58MapPhoto
1920late Cecil Davis home301 SR 58 EastMapPhoto
1920Owner Unknown301 East State Hwy. 58
1921Scott Wallace106 West 1st Street
1924Dale Moran205 East SR 58MapPhoto
1924Mick Cone13173 SR 58 West
1925former Barrett home4 West 1stMap
1925former Jan's Country Store / IH Shop / Schuckman Ford7 East SR 58Earliest reference to this building that we can find, is it's use as the Schuckman Ford Garage from 1925 into the early 30's. It was purchased a few years later, by the Freelandville Inplement Co.(IH) as their 'shop repair' building. After Freelandville Implement closed their doors in the 80's, Bill and Jan Wiscaver remodeled the structure and went into business in the 1990's as 'Jan's Country Store'. Just recently(2015), Evan Telligman purchased the building.MapPhoto
1925late Pat Brandt family home2 West 1st StreetMap
1925late Sophie Johanningsmeier102 East 2ndMap
1925Marilynn Bedwell203 West 1st streetMap
1927Sam & Leah Singleton303 State Hwy. 58 WestMapPhoto
1927Scott Page103 St. Hwy. 58 EastMapPhoto
1928Curt and Patty Kixmiller7 Elm StreetMap
1928late Joe and Emma McGee home108 SR West 58 (razed)This old house was razed in 2013MapPhoto
1928Mason family1 Elm StreetMapPhoto
1928Shannon Jones7 HenryThe old shed behind this house is dated 12-20-38 in the concrete floor.MapPhoto(1)
1928Stan Harbin home31 N. State Road 159MapPhoto
1929Freelandville Implement (IH) / The Electronics Shop6 State Hwy 159This building was constructed in 1927 for use as the sales showroom / parts counter for the Freelandville Implement Company. After the business closed in the late 1980's, Roger King bought the building and went into business in his 'The Electronics Shop". It currently (2015) is setting vacant.MapPhoto
1929Thomas and Cindy Held house14 Happy St.MapPhoto(2)
1930Bob Lisman12024 East Dick RoadMapPhoto
1930Bruce Trabant6 Short StreetMap
1930former Butch Hollingsworth1 South Schroeder StreetMapPhoto
1930former Ruth Wesner beauty salon107 West 1st StreetRuth (Hagemeier) Wesner had her beauty salon in this former Gerald Polk home. The structure was razed(photo) a few years ago. Currently (2015) an empty lot.MapPhoto(1)
1930Joyce and the late Milton Telligman405 East State Hwy 58MapPhoto
1930late Fred and Matilda / Vernon Held306 Wood St. (razed)Fred and Vernon Held's former house was razed several years ago. Currently, it is an empty lot.MapPhoto
1930late Jim Harbin home203 Baker St.ISO of current occupantMap
1931late Paul Finke12192 West SR 58MapPhoto
1931Williams family11549 East Lower Freelandville RoadMap
1932former Koenig family home106 W. First St.MapPhoto
1932former Terry Donnar family home (first marriage)201 South St. Hwy. 159MapPhoto
1932late Clyde Posey308 East SR 58MapPhoto
1935Bethel Church 13673 SR 58 eastThe Bethel Church burned in June 1934, and was rebuilt and the new structure was dedicated in 1935.MapPhoto
1935Eloise ????108 Tongue StreetWe do not know Eloise's last name. In the 1960's, she rode to work in Vincennes with Joey Held. Does anyone know her last name ?? She lived in the house across from Pete Harting.Map
1936????????????309 Baker St.No map available for this address currently
1936David & Debbie Bedwell202 HenryFormer Alfred 'Pete' Buescher homeMap
1936Ethan Singleton12 Short StreetMap
1936Evan Telligman12 Happy StreetMap
1936former Hartsburg house107 St Hwy, 58 EastMapPhoto
1936former Russ and Joan Singleton home307 Wood StreetMap
1936John Parish12303 SR West 58MapPhoto
1936Kevin Stein6 Happy StreetMap
1936late Cliff 'Bugs' Carrico204 State Road West 58MapPhoto
1936late Hilbert Kixmiller304 OakMapPhoto
1936late Irvin and Florence Telligman10 Oak StreetMap
1936late John Raymond 'Shagmore' Mabes17 Happy StreetMap
1936late Louis 'Ferguson' and Laura Volle109 West 1st StreetMap
1936late Whitey & Ruth Hollingsworth110 State Road West 58MapPhoto
1936Matt Clinkenbeard107 West SR 58MapPhoto
1936Nate and Misty Fields12297 East SR 58MapPhoto
1937Bobby Neukam304 West State Road 58MapPhoto
1937Bruce Clinkenbeard home5 Elm StreetMap
1937late Lucille Bunte503 East State Hwy 58MapPhoto
1938Edith & Edna Rinsch12430 State Road 159MapPhoto
1938Jim Wise12420 SR 159MapPhoto
1939late Harry 'Doc' Yocum former house10 Henry St.Map
1940Hinkle and Ruby Walker106 3rd streetMap
1940late 'Miss Ruth' Cummings33 State Hwy 159MapPhoto
1940late Carl Toney302 West State Road 58MapPhoto
1940late Goldie 'Paddlefoot' Jones12 East SR 58MapPhoto
1940late Gustav 'Gus' Bubenzer home307 West Carlisle St.MapPhoto
1940late Orville Flick102 Pond StreetMap
1941late Roy Grabbe202 North SR 159MapPhoto
1943Freelandville Canning Factory12799 Northview Rd.During the World War II years, there was a tomato canning factory at this location, on the rightside of the road. When the war ended, the Freelandville Canning Factory soon went out of business, due to the loss of government contracts. The old building remained at this location for many years to come. Kelly Wells used the property, for a time, as a hog lot, until neighbors complained of the smell. After the structures were gone, the concrete foundation could still be seen. Gone, but not forgotten.Map
1944Kent & Brenda Brocksmith18 Happy StreetMap
1945Harbin's Garage (former Joe McGee's)106 West SR 58MapPhoto
1945Louie Meier107 State Road 159MapPhoto
1946former DeSelms / Anna Buckthal house101 Julius StreetMapPhoto
1946Helen Harbin21 Short St.Map
1947Kent Schroeder12419 State Road 159MapPhoto
1947late Hershel Emmel23 Short StreetMap
1948unknown occupant14 Short StreetISO current occupant. PM me if you know.MapPhoto
1950Bill & Virginia Held8 Oak StreetMap
1950Bill Kiser11152 Buckthal RoadMap
1950Bob Jones13175 East SR 58MapPhoto
1950Chad Buckthal10977 North Pine Bluff RoadMap
1950former Chattin home6 HenryMap
1950late Lawrence 'Pete' Harting home9 Tongue St.Map
1950late Paul 'Alec' Hollingsworth22 Happy StreetMap
1950late William F. Schuckman house13412 State Hwy 58MapPhoto
1951Dan Detering210 State Road West 58MapPhoto
1951late Martha Albrecht205 Henry St.Map
1951unknown5 Pond StreetISO the current resident. This is the ranch-style stone house on the corner.Map
1952Erich Tiek (shop converted to home) - Don and Pat Johnson (Johnson's Saw Sharpening)12371 SR 159Erich and Albert Tiek operated their 'E & A Builders' out of this shop. In later years, it was converted into living quarters.MapPhoto
1952mid-60's home of Linus Hufnagel family402 East State Hwy. 58MapPhoto
1952Mike Held14941 North Held RoadMap
1954current occupant unknown303 IndianaISO name od current occupant. PM me if you know.MapPhoto(1)
1954late Burton 'Sonny' & Selma Diekman20 Short St.Map
1954late Ralph 'Peachie' & Susie Walters3 Schroeder St.Map
1955Heath Catt family6 Schroederformer home of Jake and Louise BarrakMap
1955late Bruce Posey home2 Henry StreetMapPhoto
1955late Simon 'Si' Johanningsmeier209 Henry StreetMap
1956late Elsie Nolting505 East State Hwy 58This old house is in deplorable condition !MapPhoto
1956late Don and Jane Meier205 McDowellMap
1956Randy Barrett502 East State Hwy. 58MapPhoto
1957late Myles 'Smiles' Dugger209 West 1st streetMap
1957late Bill 'Single Wing' & Delores Johanningsmeier101 East 2ndMap
1957Steven Horst105 Pond StreetMap
1959former Darwin Emmel home12340 East SR 58MapPhoto
1959John and Lil Clinkenbeard14099 East County Line RoadMap
1959Patsy Odell and the late B.G. 'Bink' Odell11807 State Hwy. 159MapPhoto
1960Kixmiller Implement324 West 1st StreetMap
1961Craig Grabbe206 West State Road 58MapPhoto
1961Emma Finkeapprox. 206 West SR 58Where the red arrow(map) is pointing, is exactly where Emma Finke's house-trailer set in the mid-1960's. There was a 'U' shaped driveway, with Emma's trailer located at the 'top' of the 'U'. Gone, but surely not forgotten.MapPhoto
1962former Robertson (60's-school teacher)9 North FreelandMapPhoto
1963Freelandville Community Home310 West SR 58MapPhoto
1964late Rev. R.R. Willsey9407 East Oaktown RoadMap
1965current resident unknown202 North FreelandISO current occupant of this manufactured home. PM me if you know.Map
1965former Elmer Rinsch SawmillWest State Hwy 58We did not know the exact construction date of Elmer Rinsch's Sawmill, but do know that it was still in operation in 1965. Because of it's historical significance to the community, we felt obligated to include it on this list. If anyone knows the year this was opened, please PM meMapPhoto
1965late Marge Schell former house1 Pond StreetMapPhoto
1965Mark Telligman14272 North Dunkerly LaneMapPhoto
1965Stewart family104 St. Hwy. EastMapPhoto
1968Herman Tilly10748 North Albrecht RoadMap
1969current occupant unknown305 East State Road 58ISO currant occupant. PM info to me (TH)MapPhoto
1970current occupant unknownNo photo available
1970current occupant unknown13325 East SR 58MapPhoto
1970former Dan Buescher home7 ChambersMap
1974Earl 'Pearl' & Chris Horst8 Julius Street.Map
1974former Dewey and the late Darlene Hartsburg13699 Northview Rd.Map
1974late Norma Barrett12329 West SR 58MapPhoto
1975former Mark Telligman home110 Pond StreetMap
1975John Koenig15000 North Linn RoadMap
1975John Neely Held9697 North Wood Drive, Pine BluffsMap
1976Gene Williams11296 East Lower Freelandville RoadMap
1977Current occupant unknown204 North FreelandAnother house that I don't know who lives there. Sorry, I;m so out of touch.Map
1977Freelandville Housing 2 North Freelandville Housing LaneMap
1977Jim & Ruth Wesner10706 East Oaktown Road
1978late Frank Langdon404 East SR 58MapPhoto
1978Steve and Debbie Telligman407 HenryMap
1979current occupant unknown4 South SchroederISO current occupant. PM me if you know who lives here.Map
1980Allen Buckthal12332 North Buckthal RoadMap
1981Judy & Joe Kirchoff11594 East SR 58MapPhoto
1982Brenda Nettles203 Wood StreetMap
1982Mary Ann Miller8560 SR 159MapPhoto
1983Bill & Jan Wiscaver7 Jim St.Map
1983late Bucky Richter11954 State Road 159MapPhoto
1984Ed Neal293 BakerMap
1985Brad Toney11403 SR 58 WestMapPhoto
1990Brian Schuckman14482 North Lime Crusher RoadMap
1992current occupant unknown8 Henry St.ISO current occupant. PM me if you know.Map
1994Curt Strange412 East SR 58MapPhoto
1996former Hartsburg9 South SchroederMap
1998Tom and Joyce Kixmiller13297 SR 58 EastMapPhoto
1999Brian and Bonnie Organ8 South SchroederMap
2003Paul Dean Walters11394 West SR 58MapPhoto
2005Bob & Susan Hunt13857 North Lime Crusher RoadMapPhoto
2005current occupant unknown6 West 3rd StreetManufactured home. ISO current occupant. PM me if you know.Map
2005Sam & Cally Miller10590 North Albrecht RoadMap
2010current occupant unknown310 E. SR 58 W.R. Kixmiller former property. ISO current occupant. PM me if you know.MapPhoto